Census data from 2020 states that the population of McLouth is 859.
Map of McLouth with street names listed
110 N Union St. McLouth, Kansas 66054 (913) 796-6411 (913) 796-6131 fax Clerk@CityofMcLouth.org
HOURS M Tu Th F 8am-4pm Wed 1pm-4pm Closed for Lunch Daily 12pm-1pm
AFTER HOURS City Administrator /City and Court Clerk: Amanda Karmann: 785-691-8321
Utility Superintendent: Chad Bradley: 913-775-3430
Maintenance: David Riley: 785-813-5164
CITY COUNCIL: President of Council: Steve Horton - Council: Steven Peters, Tara Newman, Dennis Van Dyne and Pat Bartlett Sr. 913-796-6411
MAYOR: Joseph Saheb 913-796-6411
BURN PERMITS 785-403-0108
Meeting Schedules:
City Council: 3rd Tuesday of every month - 7:00 PM at the McLouth Fire House, 104 W Lucy St
Fire Department: 2nd Monday of every month - 6:30 PM at the McLouth Fire House, 104 W Lucy St
Library: 1st Monday of every month - 6:00 PM at the McLouth Public Library, 213 S Union St